Fixing a GLITCHED Spares 'n' Repairs PC

Imtryingtoget3DMarktoworkonmypcsoicanbenchmarkmyPC,butwhenitrytoopenitafterinstallationitsays3DMarkGUIhas ...,Oh,Ireadrightafterthispostyou'reusingZorinOS.WhatyoucantryistoswitchingfromthedefaultwaylandwindowmanagertoX11(xorg).,剛剛想說跑一下3DMA...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Can't get 3DMark to work on my new PC ?

Im trying to get 3DMark to work on my pc so i can benchmark my PC, but when i try to open it after installation it says 3DMark GUI has ...

3DMark not loading : rlinux_gaming

Oh, I read right after this post you're using Zorin OS. What you can try is to switching from the default wayland window manager to X11 (xorg).

3DMARK11 GUI 已經停止運作??

剛剛想說跑一下3DMARK11 結果出現3DMARK11 GUI 已經停止運作,之前有跑過沒問題。NET4.0移除後再重新開機,又重裝一次NET4.0還是一樣出現問題,3DMARK11 ...

Problem's with 3D Mark 11{Not Starting} Please Help

Hello, I have recently Been trying to Run a 3D Mark Bench , to Get a more Current Score on my System. However since my Last Run of it , I have

3DMARK 11 無法開啟

我在開啟3DMark 11的時候, 他會產生3DMark 11 GUI 已經停止運作請問我該怎麼處理?! 問題簽章: 問題事件名稱: CLR20r3 問題簽章01: 3dmark11.exe 問題 ...

3DMark 11 Error

It's a benchmark not a game. Uninstall 3DMark/reinstall & and run your clocks at stock on both GPU/CPU and test again. Might be worth a fresh install of ...

When I run 3DMark this screen appear, how do I fix this? (I ...

This basically means the cpu got too hot either lower the power of other componments to stop them from overpowering the cpu or upgrade the cpu ( ...

3Dmark11 no longer works after Sysinfo update 1.05

Works fine on windows 8 Pro x64. Mine is set to running manual in my list. But yes try to start it manually and see if it fixes the error(s).

3dmark 11 GUI has stopped working...

The error means you do not have Visual C++ 2010 or NET Framework 4 or Futuremark SystemInfo properly installed. For SystemInfo also verify that ...

3DMark GUI has stopped working and another thing

It is a crash that usually happens if you do not have Net Framework 4 installed. If you do not have beta Steam installed, the launch 3dmark ...


Imtryingtoget3DMarktoworkonmypcsoicanbenchmarkmyPC,butwhenitrytoopenitafterinstallationitsays3DMarkGUIhas ...,Oh,Ireadrightafterthispostyou'reusingZorinOS.WhatyoucantryistoswitchingfromthedefaultwaylandwindowmanagertoX11(xorg).,剛剛想說跑一下3DMARK11結果出現3DMARK11GUI已經停止運作,之前有跑過沒問題。NET4.0移除後再重新開機,又重裝一次NET4.0還是一樣出現問題,3DMARK11 ...,Hello,IhaverecentlyBeent...